How to Create Checksums in Windows (Built


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Checksums are often created when files are saved in a computer directory. They provide cryptographic verification that the file has not been corrupted and can also be used to verify the integrity of software releases. This article will show you how to create checksums for Windows using built-in tools.,

The “how to create checksum file in linux” is a tutorial that will teach you how to create a checksum file. Checksums are used for verifying the integrity of files, and these files can be created on Linux or Windows operating systems.

How to Create Checksums in Windows (Built

Have you ever downloaded a file only to learn it was damaged or altered? The checksum or hash of a file is the best technique to ensure its integrity. In Windows, you have numerous options for verifying a file’s checksum.

Continue reading to discover many free methods to calculate a file’s checksum on Windows! Learn how to produce a file’s checksum value using built-in Windows tools and third-party software.

You’ll learn how to construct a checksum in Windows using five distinct tools in this post. By the conclusion of this tutorial, you should be able to produce hashes in Windows!


You’ll use the learning-by-doing method since this is a how-to article. Some of the tools used in this article are Microsoft-built or given, while others are from third-party sources. To follow along, you’ll need a PC running Windows 10 or, at the very least, Windows Server 2012.

Prerequisites will be supplied when required for each technique of producing checksums.

The Integrity Verifier for File Checksums (FCIV)

The Integrity Verifier for File Checksums (FCIV) Microsoft tool was originally introduced in Windows Server 2012 R2 and is available for all future versions.

Assume you have the FCIV utility installed at C:Toolsfciv.exe. To create the MD5 checksum of the file VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe, run the command below on a command prompt or PowerShell prompt. If your file is stored somewhere else, change the location accordingly.

C:Toolsfciv.exe C:downloadsVSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe

After executing the FCIV command, you should see something like the snapshot below. As you can see, the fciv.exe tool created the MD5 hash for the specified file by default.

Using fciv.exe to compute an MD5 checksum on Windows.Using fciv.exe to compute an MD5 checksum on Windows.

Only MD5 or SHA-1 file hashes may be generated by FCIV.

Why not produce the file’s SHA-1 checksum now that you’ve calculated an MD5 checksum? Add the sha1 argument to the end of the existing command to generate the SHA-1 checksum of the same file as in the previous example. The SHA-1 hash is created for the same file as previously, as seen in the picture below.

C:Toolsfciv.exe C:downloadsVSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe -sha1

Using fciv.exe to generate a SHA-1 checksum.Using fciv.exe to generate a SHA-1 checksum.

Good work! You’ve produced MD5 and SHA-1 checksum values. Why not compute the MD5 and SHA-1 hash values simultaneously? Use both options instead of just sha1.

C:Toolsfciv.exe VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe -both C:downloads

MD5 and SHA-1 are the two hash values that result. When you need to produce both MD5 and SHA-1 hash values, use the both argument to save time.

fciv.exe is used to calculate MD5 and SHA-1 checksums.fciv.exe is used to calculate MD5 and SHA-1 checksums.

FCIV is a useful tool for calculating file hashes, however it is ancient and only supports MD5 and SHA-1 hashing algorithms. FCIV has been labeled an unsupported command-line tool by Microsoft. Despite this, in the lack of other options, FCIV may be a good substitute.

You’ve now used the fciv.exe utility to generate MD5 and SHA-1 hash values. So, what are your first thoughts? I’m certain you’re ready to go on to the next tool.

Employing Certutil

Certutil is another great program for generating the checksum of a file under Windows. Certutil.exe is the precise software name, and it comes with Windows.

Certutil.exe is mostly used to manage certificates. However, certutil.exe provides a capability in Windows that allows you to create file checksums using the following hash algorithms:

  • MD2
  • MD4
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512

Let’s see what happens.

To compute file checksums, use PowerShell or a command prompt and enter the syntax given below.

-hashfile certutil.exe [Directory to the File] [Algorithm of Hashing]

The SHA-256 hash of the file C:downloadsVSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe is generated by certutil.exe in the example below, as seen in the image.

SHA256 “C:downloadsVSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe” certutil.exe -hashfile

Employing Certutil.exe to create a file checksum.Employing Certutil.exe to create a file checksum.

You now know how to build a file checksum using certutil.exe. To experiment, try producing the hash value for the file using all of the various methods available. Continue reading to discover how to produce a file hash using Get-FileHash with PowerShell!

Did you know that hashing methods like SHA-256 are employed in SSL certificate creation?

How to Install OpenSSL on Windows 10 (Related) (PowerShell)

Using the Get-FileHash cmdlet in PowerShell

Since the beginning of this article, you’ve been reading about and using command-line tools to build file checksums in Windows. The Get-FileHashPowerShell cmdlet is another command-line utility you’ll learn how to utilize.

Refer to the syntax below to get acquainted with the available arguments before using Get-FileHash. To provide a target file, use the Path argument, and the Algorithm option to define the hash algorithm to employ.

Get-FileHash -Path [file path] -Hash Algorithm [Algorithm]

The hash algorithms available for Get-FileHash are given below. You’ll note that the hash algorithms available vary from those offered by FCIV and CertUtil. Additionally, earlier and more susceptible algorithms, such as the MD1 and MD4 algorithms, are no longer included.

  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512
  • MACTripleDES
  • MD5
  • RIPEMD160

Using the SHA-256 technique, the hash value of the file VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe is computed. To test, copy and execute the code below in PowerShell, changing the file location as appropriate.

-Path C:downloadsVSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe -Algorithm sha256 Get-FileHash

The Get-FileHash command calculated the file’s SHA-256 hash as supplied by the -Algorithm sha256 option, as seen in the picture below.

To calculate the SHA-256 checksum of a file, use Get-FileHash.To calculate the SHA-256 checksum of a file, use Get-FileHash.

You merely need to alter the Algorithm parameter value to calculate the file’s checksum using various algorithms. Do you believe Get-FileHash can now generate a file’s SHA-512 checksum? I’m sure you can!

Creating Hashes for Multiple Files at the Same Time

It is possible to produce the checksums of numerous files at once using Get-FileHash. The $files variable is used to hold the list of file paths in the sample code below. As demonstrated in the picture below, Get-FileHash uses the $files variable to generate the SHA-256 checksum for each file.

@(‘C:downloadsPowerShell-7.1.0-win-x64.msi’, ‘C:downloadsVSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.52.1.exe’) $files = @(‘C:downloadsPowerShell-7.1.0-win-x64.msi’ -Path $files -Algorithm sha256 Get-FileHash

To calculate the hash values for each file in the $files array, use Get-FileHash.To calculate the hash values for each file in the $files array, use Get-FileHash.

What if you need to create a hash for a whole folder? Use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to acquire the list of files in a specified folder instead of manually creating the $files array.

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet obtains the list of files in the c:downloads folder in the command below. The result is then sent to the Get-FileHash cmdlet through the PowerShell pipeline, which computes the SHA-256 hash value for each file.

(C:downloads) Get-ChildItem Get-FileHash -Algorithm sha256 | Fullname

The time it takes to create a checksum varies depending on the file sizes. The command takes around twenty seconds to calculate the checksum of an 8GB ISO file in our case. The end product should like the image below.

To calculate the hash values for each file in a folder, use Get-ChildItem and Get-FileHash.To calculate the hash values for each file in a folder, use Get-ChildItem and Get-FileHash.

If the built-in tools for generating file checksums in Windows aren’t adequate for you, there are third-party applications available. Although not all third-party tools are free, a few popular and free utilities are included below.


Do you want a graphical application to produce file checksums in Windows instead of using the command line? 7-zip is a popular and free file compression program that can generate the hash value of a file.

When you install 7-zip on your computer, it provides a context menu option to produce a file’s checksum. Follow these procedures to find a file’s hash value:

  1. To produce the checksum, right-click on the file.
  2. To see a list of possible hash algorithms, click to the CRC SHA menu item.
  3. Finally, choose the hash algorithm that you want to employ.

The asterisk (*) option in the example below shows the file’s hash value using all possible algorithms. How’s that for simplicity?

Using the 7-Zip context menu to calculate a file's checksum in Windows.Calculating a file’s checksum on Windows using the 7-Zip context menu.

Then, as an alternative to 7-Zip, learn how to utilize the HashMyFiles utility to build multiple file checksums.


Don’t bother with the command line or right-click. HashMyFiles may use drag & drop to produce the checksum or hash values of a single file, numerous files, or whole directories.

Drag the files or folders you want to hash into the HashMyFiles main window after starting the software. The primary window, as seen below, presents the files and related hashes in a tabular manner, with the properties pane providing extra information.

Using HashMyFiles to retrieve the hash of various files by dragging and droppingUsing HashMyFiles to retrieve the hash of various files by dragging and dropping

HashMyFiles may also output hash or checksum data to an HTML report or a tab-delimited text file. When you wish to keep track of the file checksum values, you may utilize this export functionality.

Steps to Follow

You’ve learnt that there are numerous methods to build a file checksum in Windows in this post. Microsoft includes command-line utilities like certutil.exe and Get-FileHash built in.

There are also third-party programs that are both free and simple to use. The principle and outcome are the same for any hash algorithm, regardless of whatever program you use to produce file hash values.

What’s next on your agenda? Use any of the tools mentioned in this post to construct a checksum inventory of important files and put your programming abilities to the test.

The “md5 checksum windows 10” is a method that creates a hash of data. It is used to verify the integrity of files and can be generated on any operating system. The md5 checksum windows 10 can also be created using other software such as 7-Zip, WinRAR, and WinAce.

Related Tags

  • create checksum file windows
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