How To Build a Database Instance with Terraform and AWS RDS


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In this blog, I will walk you through the steps for installing and configuring a database instance on AWS. The process is divided into two parts: Installing Terraform and using it to install RDS.

The “aws rds terraform module” is a command-line tool that will allow you to build an instance of AWS RDS. It uses Terraform, which is a configuration management tool for infrastructure as code.

How To Build a Database Instance with Terraform and AWS RDS

The Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), one of Amazon Web Services’ database offerings, often requires a lot of navigating about in the AWS Management Console. This procedure might take several minutes, so if you’re a DevOps or just want to automate it, Terraform and AWS RDS are a perfect fit!

You’ll learn how to develop a Terraform configuration for an AWS RDS instance and deploy it to the AWS cloud in this tutorial.

Let’s get started!


This article will be a step-by-step guide. If you want to join in, make sure you have the following items:

How to Install Terraform on Linux and Windows is a related topic.

Creating an AWS RDS Database Configuration using Terraform

Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code tool that lets you create, edit, and version infrastructure in a secure and efficient manner. Terraform makes use of a variety of configuration files. Hashicorp Control Language (HCL) or JSON are used to create each file. HCL will be used in this lesson.

This tutorial will utilize three distinct files to construct an AWS RDS instance using Terraform, which when combined will include all of the instructions Terraform requires.

  • — This file contains the Terraform resource definition and variable placeholders for the RDS instance attributes.
  • — This is a Terraform variables file that contains all of the variables that will use. It’s a good idea to split configuration objects into variables, particularly if you’re working with bigger Terraform settings.
  • — This is the configuration file for the AWS provider. Terraform connects to an Amazon account through AWS providers to manage or deploy/update hundreds of AWS services.

Let’s get started by creating the Terraform configuration file for the AWS RDS database instance.

1. On your PC, open a terminal/console with Terraform installed.

2. Create a folder called /terraform-db-demo, then shift (cd) to that folder as the working directory. All of the configuration files you’ll be dealing with will be in this folder.

cd /terraform-db-demo/terraform-db-demo/terraform-db-demo/terraform-db-demo/terraform-db-demo/terraform-db-demo/terraform-db-

2. In your chosen code editor, paste the settings below and save it as in the /terraform-db-demo directory. The file is a Terraform configuration file that lists all of the resources to provide.

The aws db instance resource is used in the configuration file. This document covers all of the procedures for using AWS APIs to provision an RDS instance based on a few parameters.

You’ll also note that a lot of the values begin with the word var. These are placeholders for Terraform input variables, which you’ll create in the following step with real values.

“aws db instance” “default” resource # The storage for the database instance is allocated. allocated storage = 10 # Engine = var.engine engine version = var.engine version # Declaring the database engine and engine version instance class = var.instance class name = # Defining the instance class instance class = var.instance class name = # username = var.username # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # password = var.password parameter group name = var.parameter group name password = var.password parameter group name = var.parameter group name

4. Create a new file called in the /terraform-db-demo directory and paste the text below into it. This variables file is required to define all variables that will be used in the main configuration file.

You’ll see that each of the variables listed below is referenced in the configuration file.

a variable called “engine” a variable called “engine” a variable called “engine” variable “engine version” variable “instance class” variable “name” variable “username” variable “password” variable “parameter group name” variable “parameter group name” variable “parameter group name” variable “parameter group name” variable “parameter group name” variable “parameter group name” variable “parameter group name” variable “parameter group name” variable “

All configuration settings may be stored in a single configuration file. Breaking things out is vital to keep things clear and make things simpler for developers and administrators.

Create a new file called terraform.tfvars in the /terraform-db-demo directory, then paste the code below into it. Terraform will utilize the values in this variables file to replace the variable references in the configuration file.

This AWS RDS instance will be created using Terraform as follows:

  • A MySQL database (version 5.7)
  • Powered by a t3.micro engine
  • With a password of password and a user1 admin username

“mysql” is the engine. instance class = “db.t3.micro” name = “mydb” engine version = “5.7” instance class = “db.t3.micro” name = “mydb” “user1” is the username. parameter group name = “default.mysql5.7” password = “password”

6. To specify the AWS provider, create a new file in the /terraform-db-demo directory, paste in the following code, and call it

Getting Started with the Terraform AWS Provider is a related article.

The focus of the lesson will be on resource creation in the US-East-2 area.

region = “us-east-2” provider “aws”

7. Using the tree command, check that the folder contains all of the needed files listed below.

Terraform files necessary for the terraform code to execute Terraform files necessary for the terraform code to execute

Using Terraform to create an AWS RDS instance

It’s time to start Terraform and construct your first AWS RDS database instance now that you have the Terraform configuration files ready to go!

Terraform normally employs a three-stage process to provide a Terraform configuration: terraform init, terraform plan, and terraform apply. Let’s have a look at each step now.

If you’re still in the terraform-db-demo directory, do the following:

1. In the same directory, run the terraform init command. The terraform init command sets up the necessary plugins and providers to operate with AWS resources that need to be provided.

If everything works properly, the message Terraform has been successfully started should appear in the output, as seen below.

The terraform init command is used to start Terraform. The terraform init command is used to start Terraform.

2. Execute the terraform plan command now. The Terraform plan command offers you an overview of which resources in your infrastructure will be provided. Terraform will also show you every AWS resource it proposes to generate.

Terraform plan is a command that you may use to create a new Terraform. Terraform plan is a command that you may use to create a new Terraform.

3. Finally, use terraform apply to instruct Terraform to actually setup the database instance. When you run terraform apply, Terraform will read the file and the other files to generate a configuration, which it will then send to AWS as instructions to build the database instance.

Terraform has successfully generated the database instance in the AWS account, as you can see below.

terraform apply is a command that allows you to apply terraform to your environment. terraform apply is a command that allows you to apply terraform to your environment.

Verifying Terraform was used to create the AWS RDS

Terraform should have constructed the database instance by now. Let’s double-check in the AWS Management Console by manually looking for the database instance.

1. Go to the AWS Management Console in your chosen web browser and log in.

2. While in the Console, use the top-right search box to look for RDS and then choose the RDS menu option.


3. Go to the RDS website and choose Instances of the Database. You should notice that a database instance has been created.

Instances of the DatabaseInstances of the Database

The mydb database instance has been successfully built, as seen below!

Created a database instance in mydbCreated a database instance in mydb

If you look closer, you’ll see that the RDS instance has all of the same properties as the variables files you specified.

“mysql” is the engine. instance class = “db.t3.micro” name = “mydb” engine version = “5.7” instance class = “db.t3.micro” name = “mydb” “user1” is the username. parameter group name = “default.mysql5.7” password = “password”


In this lesson, you learnt how to use Terraform and AWS RDS to construct your first database. Terraform is the most extensively used automation tool.

What do you intend to put in your freshly constructed database now that you’ve established it on AWS RDS?

The “terraform rds multi az example” is a tutorial that explains how to build a database instance with Terraform and AWS RDS. The tutorial also includes the “Must Have” text.

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