Mailvelope: Encrypting Yahoo Email [Step


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Mailvelope is a free and open source extension that enables to encrypt Yahoo emails. It couldn’t get much easier than this! More information at

Mailvelope is a free, open-source email encryption service that allows users to encrypt their Yahoo emails and send them via Gmail or any other email provider. It can be used in the browser by installing the extension called “mailvelope chrome,” or it can be installed on your computer as an app. The app also has a mobile version available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

Mailvelope: Encrypting Yahoo Email [Step

It’s perfectly OK if you like Yahoo! Mail and have no plans to switch email providers anytime soon. Would you prioritize personal preference above security if you knew Yahoo! Mail didn’t support email encryption to safeguard your email? Hold your horses, Mailvelope will allow you to retain both.

Mailvelope is a web browser plugin that allows you to encrypt your emails from beginning to finish without having to change your email provider. The procedures for encrypting emails on Yahoo! Mail were shown using Mailvelope in this video, but they’re almost same whether you’re using other email providers like Gmail or Outlook. So let’s get this party started!


Make sure you have the following items before beginning this step-by-step instruction on encrypting your emails using Mailvelope.

  • Mailvelope is a browser plugin that runs on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Everything should go well as long as you have an updated web browser.
  • Install the Mailvelope extension after launching your web browser from the Desktop or Start menu.

What Makes Mailvelope So Special?

Mailvelope, which was founded by Thomas Oberndörfer in early 2012 and is maintained on Github, is a free and open-source project that allows specialists from all over the world to contribute to its development. As long as you have the Mailvelope plugin installed in your web browser, sending and receiving encrypted emails is simple.

Mailvelope also stands out since it is compatible with a wide range of email providers. Finally, Mailvelope, as previously said, enables end-to-end encryption. Whether you’re sharing sensitive personal information or secret business information, everything is kept safe and private between the sender and the receiver.

Using the Mailvelope Browser Extension to Encrypt Email with Yahoo! Mail

End-to-end encryption isn’t available in Yahoo! Mail, which is where Mailvelope comes in useful. If you want to keep things simple when it comes to encrypting emails, Mailvelope is all you need. It just takes a few clicks—after you’ve installed Mailvelope, that is.

End-to-end encryption is only possible if both the sender and the receiver have installed Mailvelope on their web browsers and created their Keys.

Follow the instructions below once you’ve installed Mailvelope on your web browser.

1. Go to your Yahoo! Mail account and click Compose in the top-left corner, as shown below.

2. In the top-right corner of your message editor, click the Mailvelope symbol. This will open a new Mailvelope email editor window, which you’ll see in the next step.

Encrypting Email using MailvelopeEncrypting Email using Mailvelope

3. Fill up the recipient’s email address as shown below. When the receiver has an active Key in the Mailvelope server, the email address goes green. You may now proceed with the encryption.

After you’ve installed Mailvelope and generated a key, you’ll be able to submit your public key to their server. So, regardless of whatever device you’re using, when you type in the recipient’s email address, the recipient’s public key is instantly detected. The public key is used to encrypt emails in the form of digital code.

Using Mailvelope to compose an email Using Mailvelope to compose an email

If the receiver has not yet produced a Mailvelope Key, the recipient’s email address will become red, and an error notice will appear, as seen below.

Error: Recipient Key Is MissingError: Recipient Key Is Missing

4. Add a digital signature to your email for enhanced protection. The digital signature serves as an authentication technique that allows you to verify an email’s legitimacy.

To digitally sign your email, go to the bottom-left corner of the window and select the Options button. A drop-down box will appear.

Choose the Key ID to sign your email with from the drop-down box under Send message label, then click Encrypt.

Your digital signature is your Key ID. It’s solely for the email address you used to create a key when you installed the Mailvelope extension on your browser. If you used the same browser to register multiple email addresses, the Key IDs for each email address would appear in the drop-down box.

Integrating a Digital SignatureIntegrating a Digital Signature

5. After you click Encrypt, you’ll get the following pop-up box. Click OK after entering the password you established for the account’s Key ID that you previously specified.

Entering the Key ID's Password Entering the Key ID’s Password

Using Mailvelope to Read Encrypted Yahoo! Mail

Are you having a good time encrypting emails? Don’t get too carried away, however; you’ll also need to learn how to decode emails using Mailvelope. So let’s get this party started.

With Mailvelope, reading encrypted emails is a breeze. You may convert a ciphertext to a plain text message in a few steps.

1. Go to your Yahoo! Mail account and sign in.

2. From your inbox, choose the encrypted email.

If you don’t have Mailvelope installed, an encrypted message will seem as much-written gibberish, as seen in the accompanying picture.

Using Mailvelope to Send Encrypted EmailUsing Mailvelope to Send Encrypted Email

3. Click Show message in the center of the email message, as seen below. You’ll now be prompted to enter your Key Password.

The Key Password is the one you created when you generated a key in Mailvelope for your email address. This procedure verifies that you have the authority to decode communications.

Opening Using Mailvelope to Send Encrypted Email Browser ExtensionOpening Using Mailvelope to Send Encrypted Email Browser Extension

4. Type your Key Password in the pop-up box below, then click OK. If successful, the previously encrypted PGP message will be decoded to reveal the real email content.

Using a Key Password to Verify IdentityUsing a Key Password to Verify Identity


You’ve probably already discovered how simple it is to safeguard your email with Mailvelope while maintaining your favorite email service. You’re safe as long as you have Mailvelope installed in your browser before sending an email, so go crazy!

Mailvelope is an open-source tool that encrypts Yahoo emails. It uses PGP or S/MIME to encrypt and decrypt emails. The software works with any email client that supports the OpenPGP standard, including Gmail, Outlook, Thunderbird, and Apple Mail. Reference: yahoo mail encrypted attachments.

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