Renaming S3 objects is necessary when you have a large number of files in your Amazon bucket. The easiest way to do this with Python and the boto library is by using the rename method on an Iterator object.
The “rename s3 folder boto3” is a command-line tool that allows users to rename objects within an Amazon S3 bucket. The command uses the Python scripting language, and can be found in the “boto3” package.
On a standard file system, renaming a folder is simple, but what if that file system wasn’t truly a file system at all? In such scenario, things become a bit more complicated! The S3 service from Amazon is made up of objects with key values. Even if there are no folders or files, we still need to conduct common file system functions like renaming directories.
It is not feasible to rename S3 “folders” in any way, including the S3 administration panel, however there is a workaround. In S3, we may create a new “folder” and then copy all of the files from the old “folder” to the new “folder.” We may then delete the source “folder” after all of the files have been relocated.
Use Python and the boto3 package to do this. You’re losing out if you’re working with S3 and Python without utilizing the boto3 package. It’s a lot simpler to deal with now.
You’ll need to satisfy a few prerequisites ahead of time in order for the demonstration I’ll be giving you to work:
- MacOS/Linux
- Python 3 and above
- boto3 is a boto3 module (pip install boto3 to get it)
- A bucket on Amazon’s S3 service
- With access to S3, you’ll need an AWS IAM user access key and a secret access key.
- In your S3 bucket, you already have a “folder” with “files” inside.
Changing the name of an Amazon S3 Key
We’ll need to import the boto3 module to rename our S3 folder, and I’ve opted to make some of the data I’ll be dealing with variables.
boto3 aws import s3BucketName = ” oldFolderKey = ” newFolderKey = ” accessKey = ” awsSecretAccessKey = “
After that, I’ll need to provide my access key ID and secret key for the IAM user I’ll be using to login to S3. I’ve decided to utilize a boto3 session in this circumstance. To work with S3, I’ll be utilizing a boto3 resource.
session = boto3.Session(aws access key id=awsAccessKey, aws secret access key=awsSecretAccessKey, aws secret access key=awsSecretAccessKey) session.resource(‘s3’) = s3
After that, I need to discover all of the files that match my key prefix. I’m using a Python for loop to read all of the items in my S3 bucket, as you can see below. I’m filtering all of the S3 items in the bucket down to only the key prefix for the folder I want to rename using the optional filter action.
For objects in bucket, use s3.Bucket(s3BucketName). objects.filter(Prefix=oldFolderKey):
After I’ve begun iterating through the “folder” key and all of the “file” keys inside of it using the for loop, I’ll need to omit the “folder” key itself since I won’t be copying it. I just need the file keys. By using an if statement, I’m omitting any key values that don’t finish in a forward slash.
I’m now assigning the file name and destination key names to make it easy to reference once I’m in the block that will only contain file key values.
for the item in the bucket objects. filter(Prefix=oldFolderKey): srcKey = object srcKey = object srcKey = object s if not srcKey, key endswith(‘/’): srcKey = fileName split(‘/’) [-1] newFolderKey + ‘/’ + fileName destFileKey = newFolderKey + ‘/’ + fileName s3BucketName + ‘/’ + srcKey = copySource Object s3 (s3BucketName, destFileKey). copy from(CopySource=copySource)
After you’ve done all of that, I use the copy from action to accomplish the actual copy. As you can see, I’m utilizing the bucket name and destination file key to create an S3 object. The source key is then sent to the copy from action.
for the item in the bucket objects. filter(Prefix=oldFolderKey): srcKey = object srcKey = object srcKey = object s if not srcKey, key endswith(‘/’): srcKey = fileName split(‘/’) [-1] newFolderKey + ‘/’ + fileName destFileKey = newFolderKey + ‘/’ + fileName s3BucketName + ‘/’ + srcKey = copySource Object s3 (s3BucketName, destFileKey). copy from(CopySource=copySource)
After the loop has completed and all of the files have been moved to the new key, I’ll need to destroy all of the files, including the “folder” key, which is not included in the if condition.
for the item in the bucket objects. filter(Prefix=oldFolderKey): srcKey = object srcKey = object srcKey = object s if not srcKey, key endswith(‘/’): srcKey = fileName split(‘/’) [-1] newFolderKey + ‘/’ + fileName destFileKey = newFolderKey + ‘/’ + fileName s3BucketName + ‘/’ + srcKey = copySource Object s3 (s3BucketName, destFileKey). copy from(CopySource=copySource) s3.Object(s3BucketName, srcKey).delete()
We’re done at this moment! All of the files that were previously under the source key should now be under the destination key, with no trace of the source key!
The “s3 move files between folders” is a Python command that allows users to rename Amazon S3 folder objects.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I rename a file in S3 Python?
A: To rename a file in S3 Python, you must first change the directory to where your new name is. Then make sure that this directory has write permissions enabled (chmod 777). Once it does, use the following command:
rename(oldname.txt, newfilename)
How do I rename a folder in Amazon S3?
A: To rename a folder on Amazon S3, you will have to change the name of the bucket that contains it. Then, go in and find your original folder with its old name and replace it with a new one. You can also delete this old file if necessary to free up space as well.
Can you rename S3 objects?
A: Yes, you can rename objects in the game. However, it is not possible to move objects around on a level like other games do this because of how hard it would be for the engine to calculate collisions that way.
Related Tags
- rename object s3 python
- python s3 rename folder
- s3 copy files from one folder to another python boto3
- s3 rename file nodejs
- s3 move object