How to Install and Import the PowerShell Active Directory Module


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This article will guide you through the different ways to install and import the PowerShell Active Directory Module. There are multiple methods for installation and each have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, so I’ll go over them one by one with a short list of pro’s and con’s at the end of this article.

This article will show you how to install and import the PowerShell Active Directory Module. This module is a tool that allows users to manage their Active Directory environment via the command-line. The installation process is simple, but it can be difficult to get the module to work with Windows 10. Read more in detail here: powershell install active directory module windows 10.

How to Install and Import the PowerShell Active Directory Module

The Active Directory module must be installed before any PowerShell Active Directory (AD) activity may be performed. With this popular module, administrators may query and modify Active Directory using PowerShell.

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We’ll look at how to install the PowerShell Active Directory module on Windows 10 in this blog article. After that, we’ll go through how to connect to AD using PowerShell and the several methods you may login with AD.

You should be familiar with the RSAT package before we begin. If you’re running Windows on a workstation, you’ll need to download and install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) package. RSAT is already accessible if you’re using Windows Server.

When you try to execute the commands we’ll be discussing without RSAT, you’ll receive frustrating errors like “the word Get-AD* is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.”

RSAT for Windows 10 (pre-1809)

If you’re using Windows 10 pre-build 1809, you can get an RSAT package from Microsoft. The setup is quick and uncomplicated.

If you don’t know how to discover your Windows 10 build version, learn how here.

Make sure the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell is enabled in Windows Features once you’ve installed RSAT. It should already be the case.

Using Windows PowerShell to enable the Active Directory ModuleUsing Windows PowerShell to enable the Active Directory Module

RSAT for Windows 10 (post-1809)

RSAT capabilities are provided as an optional feature in Windows versions 1809 and beyond. There’s no need to install any additional software.

Use the Add-WindowsCapability cmdlet to install the ActiveDirectory module on Windows 10 after 1809. The Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS is enabled now. The following is an example of a tool’s optional feature.

PS51> Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~

On Windows 10 Build 1903 and Windows 7, the aforementioned syntax was tried.

RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) for Windows Server 2008R2 and Later

To activate the RSAT-AD-PowerShell capability in PowerShell on Windows Server, utilize the PowerShell ServerManager module.

PS51> Import-Module ServerManager PS51> Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell

How to Load the AD Module Using PowerShell

Although it’s probable that PowerShell will import the module automatically once it’s installed. However, if you want to be sure it loads correctly, you may use the Import-Module command.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory is a PowerShell command that imports the Active Directory module. You will not get any problems if the module is installed correctly.

Authenticating and connecting

After you’ve installed the ActiveDirectory module, you may utilize the Active Directory PowerShell cmdlets.

Despite the fact that the cmdlets interface with various portions of AD, they almost all have the same arguments. Server and Credential are two of such characteristics.

Connecting to a Specific Domain Controller in Active Directory

The AD cmdlets will automatically locate a domain controller for you. The Server option, on the other hand, may be used to connect to a different domain controller.

It’s not necessary to use the Server argument. By default, PowerShell looks for a domain controller to connect to. The domain controller is identified by doing the following steps in the order listed:

  1. Objects supplied into the pipeline’s Server property may be used.
  2. If the AD PowerShell provider disk is in use, utilize the server connected with it.
  3. Use the client computer’s domain.

By setting the Server option to a particular domain controller, you may connect to it. You may define a variety of ADDS objects in various forms, such as:

  • The domain name supplied will be the FQDN or NETBIOS name, such as domain.local or DOMAIN.
  • The domain controller will have a FQDN or NETBIOS name like server.domain.local or SERVER.
  • server.domain.local:3268 is an example of a fully qualified domain controller and port.

Using Alternate Credentials to Connect to Active Directory

The Active Directory PowerShell cmdlets employ a two-step method by default to determine the user account with which to connect to AD.

  1. If the command is executed from the PowerShell AD provider drive, use the credentials connected with it.
  2. Using the credentials of the currently logged-on user

You may also use the Credential argument to provide additional credentials.

You may use the Credential argument to pass in a PSCredential object. You will be requested for a password if you give a username, and these credentials will be utilized.

An example of using the Get-AdUser cmdlet with an alternative credential is shown below.

PS51> $credential = Get-Credential PS51> Get-Aduser -Filter * -Credential $credential

Do you want to rapidly check your Active Directory for credentials that have been leaked? Specops provides a free program that performs this and also creates a good report.

You also have two authentication types to choose from, which are governed by the AuthType argument. Negotiate (the default) and Basic are the two kinds available. Only an SSL connection allows for basic authentication.

PS51> Get-Aduser -Filter * -Credential $credential -AuthType Negotiate|Basic


The ActiveDirectory PowerShell module installation is a simple and frequent procedure. You should be well on your way to automating all of the Active Directory tasks if you follow the steps in this article!

Additional Reading

The “install active directory module powershell” is a command that allows users to install the PowerShell Active Directory Module. The command will also import the module into your environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install and import Active Directory PowerShell module?

A: The easiest way to install an Active Directory PowerShell module is by using the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet. If you are on a Windows Server, type in this command and press Enter:
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
If youre on a Windows 10 computer, use these commands instead:
Install-PackageProvider -Name Online Install Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant for Business – Desktop Experience
Install PackageManagement Windows PowerShell Module Get Started

How do I get the Active Directory PowerShell module?

A: Microsoft offers the Active Directory PowerShell module on GitHub at, but it is not currently officially supported by Microsoft or in any way connected to an official release from them. It has been tested with Windows Server 2012 R2 and a Kaseya server that runs as part of their own domain, so we would recommend you test it thoroughly before implementing into your environment.

How do I import a PowerShell module?

A: You can import a PowerShell module by adding the path to your PSModulePath environment variable. For example, if you want to add in the Microsoft-WindowsAzureSubscription module that is available on and stored in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules, then you would put this line of text into your Windows Powershell console:
Set -PSSnapin Microsoft.Windows.StorageManager $true
Import-Module Azure
Add-PsSnapIN AzuresDK*
Get-Command Add *azuresdk*

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  • import active directory module powershell
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